It just had to be Samus didn't it? lol...make part three.....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It just had to be Samus didn't it? lol...make part three.....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
That was the shiznit
Can P-bot make it in time to warn the others?! We'll find the on the next episode of NEWGROUNDS! THE LEGEND!
Your stuff is always so cool
I loved this.....make more make more!!
This was pretty good.....Doesn't make me wanna kill myself...bt still....good. Keep it up ^_^
well... I'm glad that it doesn't make you wanna kill yourself!
That was fucking awsome!
The music rocked.....The animation rocked....that dude rocked......man this was so fucking good I could taste it! Keep up the good work
The wonders of the date rape drug ^_^ lol....this was good...keep it up
The animation on here is the best I've ever seen out of a flash cartoon. I don't know whats wrong for those people who gave this a bad review....its good! Keep it up dude
These swear bears are fucking hilarious
That one seems like its hopped up on weed
I really truely love this.....
YOU guys rock! Keep goin!
I know I H8 you....but....god.....O.O
Totally! You better run! I just threw a pin at you and I have a live grenade in my mouth >=D
Age 39, Female
Overton High School
Southaven, MS
Joined on 6/30/02