Man that was the best rap vid i've ever seen!
Yep! That video had it all
Pimps, hoes, a strip club, thugs, and a whole buncha killin'.
Keep up the good work! That was fuckin' nice.
Man that was the best rap vid i've ever seen!
Yep! That video had it all
Pimps, hoes, a strip club, thugs, and a whole buncha killin'.
Keep up the good work! That was fuckin' nice.
this was pretty damned good
Why is this a turd? Its good for a first job! You're gettin a 4 from me man ^_^
That was cool
Nice job. I liked one for SF! And add some death moves...that'd be cool....well,keep up the good work.
You guys kick Jet Li's ass!!!
That was great!I haven't seen a car chase that good since Gone in 60 seconds.You should make more.You guys are good!^_^
I think I love you^_^
ROTMFGLMMFAO!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHA. ...I feel sorry for the bitchy saps who didn't watch the whole movie.And you could tell they didn't watch it because they didn't know that both Goku and Harry died.You bastards!Its a parody!Can't you take a joke?!GOD!Anyway....everytime the Z characters come in they talk about something was funny!I agree with everyone who said it!You should make another sequel!!!!Hale to IMA!!!*hales*
Dude the mother funkin movie was so fuckin funny. You fuckin elaborated on fuck. Fuck that was fuckin funny. FUCK! ^_^
That was pretty funny
You've gotta asentuate the positive. lol. That was funny. ^_^ And i agree with Iauruth, thank you for the killing. Yum... death... -.- >.< oops sorry, went into my mode there.
That was funny as hell. It was so funny I tried to laugh and nothing came out. That ever happen to you? This was funny. I liked the scream too. But how can you not like the scream. ^_^
Man I don't know how you do it but damn!
Me and my friend here would just like to say. YOU ARE THE FUCKIN MASTER AND YOU DESEARVE YOUR OWN TV SHOW!!!! SHIT I MEAN DAMN! Ugh i'm done flippin out! This movie gives a new meaning to 'let the bodies hit the floor'.
Totally! You better run! I just threw a pin at you and I have a live grenade in my mouth >=D
Age 39, Female
Overton High School
Southaven, MS
Joined on 6/30/02